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Shelling with a smile
Aporrhais pesgallinae
SKU 01720
Product Details
South of Walvis Bay, Namibia
Trawled at 350 - 450 meters deep
Size - Grade:
34,65 mm - F++
Good specimen with some minor flaws. Some bore damage and erosion on the shell.
This set is the real Aporrhais pesgallinae Barnard, 1963. Mostly confused with Aporrhais elegantissima Parenzan, 1970 wich has a different color and a different geographical distribution. The reason of the revalidation of the name A. elegantissima was because A. pesgallinae is a deepsea species, mostly found around 400 to 450 meters deep in Namibia. There is a geographical barier between Namibia and Angola at this depth where the larvae from A. pesgallinae and A. elegantissima can't cross.
Size is measured from the apex to the siphon.
Aporrhais pesgallinae
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