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Terebellum hubrechti

SKU 00639
Product Details

Nocnocan Island, Bohol, Philippines
Caught by compressor dive at 10 - 20 meters deep; 2022

Size - Grade:
32,20 mm - F+++


Great shell with a perfect lip, but with some slight damage in the siphon (visible in the picture). Otherwise a perfect shell.

Terebellum hubrechti is a very rare species. GCshells bought up all specimen on offer the past 2-3 years from one of our Philippine sources. However, only 8 became available in this time. 3 shells are in the Vertriest collection, 2 where sold already, remaining these 3. We ask premium price for this species as it is much rarer than some "rare" species in Cypraeidae that costs 10x this money.

Terebellum hubrechti

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